Financial PR Agency London

Financial PR Agency

Financial public relations was never more crucial. The market has never been more dynamic, and is underpinned by massive investments and start-up incubators, thanks to the growth in FinTech and success stories from companies like Kickstarter and Square.

Services and structures are being reinvented in every area of finance, driven by shifting customer behavior, evolving technologies, and a slew of new regulations.


As a leading financial PR agency London, Pearl Lemon PR knows how to help companies impact financial services audiences, as well as the value of public relations campaigns that create sales leads, raise awareness, and help clients achieve commercial success in an already  fast-paced industry sector that is now moving at breakneck speeds.


From capital markets to payments technology, we believe in targeted and effective financial PR initiatives. We work with risk management, trading, and derivatives technology companies, as well as asset management and enterprise data management companies, payments providers and acquirers, and more. Pearl Lemon PR is dedicated to promoting the cutting-edge businesses that are reshaping the financial world.

Send the Right Messages

The first step in any financial PR effort is to define what a firm stands for, the value of its technology, and its distinctive approach to the market. We create a message matrix around a client’s objectives, rivals, services, and, most crucially, its future vision in collaboration with key executives. All content and public relations activities are built around these messages to ensure they stay true to your financial brand voice.

As Featured In:

B2B PR Agency

Promoting Your Company As Thought Leaders

The most successful financial brands maintain a consistent presence, and they communicate frequently and well so that they are easily recognized, understood, and ultimately preferred. With thought leadership in the form of content, print and TV media interviews, podcast appearances, speaking engagements, awards, and social impact efforts, we help you develop your reputation, industry voice, and stakeholder relevance.

We help audiences find and get to know you by doing all of this. We create a public relations strategy that is tailored to your brand’s profile and online reputation. Your personalized earned media and influencer relations program ensures a steady stream of press coverage for your news and increases your market and audience reputation.

We Understand the Difference Between B2C and B2B

While some financial companies cater to both B2B and B2C audiences, some focus on one or the other, and what some PR companies and marketers fail at is understanding the difference between B2B public relations and PR aimed at a B2C audience. Pearl Lemon does not make that mistake. We craft your PR messages, and indeed, whole campaigns to suit the audiences you are trying to reach, even if that means crafting two, or more, separate PR campaigns.

The Pearl Lemon PR Difference

There’s no doubt that if you are looking for a new financial PR agency in London, you have a lot of options to choose from. So many that making a decision may seem like a confusing waste of time. To the point where you give up and decide to do it all yourself, in your spare time. Although you don’t have any of that…

While we can’t tell you what others might have to offer, we can tell you what Pearl Lemon can offer as your financial PR agency, and why we think you should work with us.

We Understand Thinking Different

Many of the most exciting companies in the financial world right now have been built, and are being built, on disruption and thinking differently. A traditional PR firm may not even get where you are coming from, or why what you have to offer is so important. Or how it can make a difference.

Pearl Lemon prides itself on being different. Long before remote working was a ‘thing’ we were building whole companies based around an entirely remote workforce, and a global one at that. Long before podcasts were a ‘big thing’ we were both producing them and appearing on them to promote our own businesses. We like thinking differently, and we love working with companies and brands that do too.

We Know PR Packages Don't Work

As you look for a financial PR agency, you’ll find lots of them offer tiered packages. X buys you X, X and X, Y times a month, but if you want Z, it will cost you extra. We don’t offer PR packages because we know they don’t work. We know your PR work will present a different challenge every day.

During the quiet periods, we may be focusing on stealthy brand building while you get on with your thing. Before service and product launches, big conferences, major interviews and even milestones like an IPO you’ll need us a lot more, and we’ll be there ready to work, and ready to work without having to check if it’s all covered in your package.

We Know Crisis PR

Crisis PR is an art in itself, and that is especially true in the financial PR world, where consumer trust is EVERYTHING. One wrong move and that trust can be broken, and your brand damaged irreparably.

Crisis PR is a separate public relations discipline that can be implemented quickly to help ensure that does not happen. We couple those skills with innovative reputation management tactics that nip potential problems in the bud before they get a chance to cause harm. We keep an eye (and ear) on the conversations surrounding your brand across all kinds of media channels and work hard to ensure the brand is always presented in the best possible light.

Ready to work with a different kind of financial PR London agency?

Get in touch and let’s talk about just how we can help you.

Financial PR agency FAQs

Pearl Lemon PR provides bespoke public relations services for a wide range of businesses in the finance industry. This includes fintech startups, financial advisory firms, investment banks, insurance companies, asset management firms, and more. Regardless of your company size or the complexity of your financial services, we have the expertise to enhance your brand image and expand your reach.

Pearl Lemon PR uses a multi-faceted approach to enhance your company’s public relations. We start with a comprehensive analysis of your business, target audience, and industry landscape. Then, we create tailored PR strategies, including media relations, thought leadership, crisis management, social media campaigns, and more. Our goal is to strengthen your brand reputation, foster trust with your stakeholders, and promote positive engagement with your services.

At Pearl Lemon PR, we understand the importance of timely and effective communication, especially during a crisis. Our team is skilled at developing and executing crisis communication plans. We help you respond quickly, maintain transparency, and communicate effectively with your stakeholders. This minimises reputational damage and ensures that your brand maintains its credibility and trustworthiness.

Absolutely! Thought leadership is a key area of our expertise. We can help establish your key executives as industry thought leaders by identifying speaking opportunities, securing guest posts in leading finance publications, and promoting original research. Our aim is to differentiate your brand, position you as an expert, and build trust with your audience.

At Pearl Lemon PR, we believe in the power of data. We use a range of quantitative and qualitative metrics to measure the success of your PR campaign. This includes media impressions, website traffic, social media engagement, sentiment analysis, and more. We provide regular reports to help you understand the impact of our PR efforts on your brand visibility and reputation.

Pearl Lemon PR brings a unique blend of industry knowledge, strategic thinking, and creative flair to the table. We have a deep understanding of the finance industry, its regulations, trends, and audiences. Our team is dedicated to delivering results-driven PR solutions that align with your business goals. We work closely with you, serving as an extension of your team, to ensure we deliver a PR strategy that helps you stand out in the crowded finance industry.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!