Transport PR Agency

car and a man image, Transport PR Agency

Transport PR Agency Overview:

👉 Technology is fueling new products and services in the transport sector, such as autonomous and connected vehicles, improved air mobility, micromobility, and mobility-as-a-service. 


👉 All businesses must pursue their customers as economic, sustainable, and sociological shifts shatter our preconceptions about transportation’s basics.


👉 As a transport PR agency, we’ve helped a variety of mobility companies raise client awareness, demand, and loyalty by articulating their stories through public relations. We can assist you whether you’re in the automotive, air, urban, or maritime transport industry, and whether your top priority is consumer or trade clients, employees, or regulators.

You will benefit from our transport industry knowledge, connections, and experience helping clients with comparable challenges if you work with our pro team. In this fast-changing world, Pearl Lemon PR’s skills in public relations, social media, digital marketing, and content can help you explain your place, value, and vision.


Let’s elevate your transport PR to help you propel your transport firm to new heights.

Business Reputation Management

Forward-Thinking Communications for Transport PR

Transport PR Communications Strategies

When you hire us as your transportation PR firm, we’ll start by analyzing your transportation business to identify the audiences, actions, and messages that are critical to your success, and then we’ll create a transport PR framework for all communications initiatives.

Transport PR Earned Media Opportunities

Allow us to help you in securing eye-catching, message-rich coverage across transportation trade, national, and lifestyle news media by using innovative storytelling that outperforms your competition and keeps your brand in the spotlight for all the right reasons.

Transport Sector Social Media

We’ll work with you to create and implement strategic, quantifiable PR programs that encourage sharing, peer referrals, and consumer advocacy online across the ever-changing social media landscape.

Trade Show PR

Through media coverage, press events, and public speaking, we’ll help you increase visitor traffic at international transport trade shows and exhibitions – even virtual trade shows. Our transport PR expertise will help ensure that every penny you spend on your trade show presence is maximized.

Alternative Media Placement

The days when newspapers, TV shows and magazines were the only viable PR outlets for transport brands are long gone. 


Your audience – both B2B and B2C – are drawing their information from a huge range of new sources, including popular YouTube shows and vlogs, podcasts, informational social media platforms like Medium and more.


It takes a very forward-thinking transport PR agency to understand the importance of these alternative media channels and to place client stories with the ones that resonate most with their target audiences. Pearl Lemon PR is that agency.

Traditional PR Work

While the landscape is changing rapidly traditional PR techniques like press releases and informational article placement still have their place in transport PR, and as PR pros with decades and decades of PR experience between them the Pearl Lemon PR teams knows how to write them, who to distribute them to for the greatest impact and more.

Thought Leadership Positioning

Through incisive opinion piece articles, research studies, presentations, speeches, and other content, we’ll help you establish your authority and your reputation as a thought leader on essential transport issues.

Transport PR Video

Travel itself evokes all kinds of images in consumers minds, and increasingly providing video in a well-rounded press release is a must. For social media, digital, and media relations, Pearl Lemon PR’s in-house video creation and production services will add resonance and value to your PR storytelling.

Transport PR Media Training

We can get you the right press and media opportunities, but it’s you the public want to see and hear from, not us. To help you perform at your best under duress, we provide media interview training and media crisis simulation workshops to all our PR clients. 


Even if you and your principals have had much of a media presence before, we’ll help make sure you are ready to handle the spotlight.

Crisis Communications

While we sincerely hope you’ll never need us to, Pearl Lemon PR can be your go to team when things don’t go so well for your firm. 


We are experts at working with brands during crises and unfortunate events, and ensuring a company’s business reputation and brand equity are protected by communicating swiftly, properly, and consistently with media outlets and the public at large.

man presenting public relations in automotive industry

The Pearl Lemon PR Difference

Why should you choose us above the other transport PR firms that can help you boost and protect your brand image?

The Pearl Lemon Public Relations team does not work from a single location from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 


We have staff operating around the clock on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as in Europe and India. Not only does this allow us to get things done faster, but it also means that somebody is always monitoring newsfeeds for opportunities for media placement as well as mentions of our clientele in the news that may require an immediate response, thanks to the magic of time differences and always-on Internet access.

The Pearl Lemon PR team not only understands how to pitch journalists and editors in a succinct, direct, and all-encompassing manner, but they also know how to do so faster than any other agency. So, what does all this mean for clients? 


We not only reach journalists first, giving your company and executives a leg up on the competition in the news cycle, but we can also make more pitches, giving our clients more exposure.


This process has increased conversion rates by up to 400%, allowing us to secure media placements for companies across a wide range of platforms and channels. It’s efficient and effective. And it can have a significant impact on your company’s performance.

Content Structure

Are you ready to work with a new breed of transport PR agency?

Feel free to contact us to discuss how we can serve you.

Transport PR Agency FAQs

Transport public relations provides media coverage for businesses in the transportation industry such as trains, car, and bus services. This is all in the name of ensuring you are established as an industry expert within the transportation niche.

Transport PR agencies charge anywhere from $2000-$5000 in the US.

Each agency has a different pricing structure, so it is best to get in contact with a transport PR expert to discuss pricing and needs.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a transportation PR consultant, Book A Call!

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