PR for Hotels London - Boosting Hotel Visibility and Reputation

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In the United Kingdom, the hotel business saw the opening of more than 9,741 new rooms in 2022. Consumers enjoy travelling, and those highly inclined to spend money on such trips naturally turn to their preferred companies. 

The hotel sector has become one of the most competitive due to rising customer demand and recent innovations like Airbnb and the sharing economy. Hotels require smart public relations to keep up in the UK market share, much alone increase.

Innovative planning and marketing are necessary to gain recognition in the hospitality sector. London is rapidly expanding and bursting with information about new eateries, hotels, events, and experiences– like the newly opened One Hundred Shoreditch, All Kaps Pizza, and Chateau Denmark in London. 

You, too, can stand out from the crowd and maintain relevance in a highly active, competitive area by being aware of what consumers are interested in and aligning your strategy with such interests–and that’s what we aim to do here at Pearl Lemon PR.

As a leading PR agency in London, we can help you manage the whims of an online world with our custom-tailored PR strategies. We don’t just offer our services as is; we ensure that they align with your business goals and needs.

If you want to learn more about how we can help, reach us today.

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Reasons Why Hotels Need PR

Public relations aims to enhance and protect a hotel’s reputation. It establishes the framework for successful marketing and sales by reducing and controlling the whims of the internet world.

Finding and identifying your target audience requires PR. Since 84% of UK citizens use social media, it is simple to find them. Social media has the advantage of enabling demographic targeting in a way that traditional advertising has never been able to. It is now feasible to engage with customers and create new loyalty.

Each hotel offers a unique benefit, and PR uses that advantageous quality to appeal to a certain audience. This is targeted storytelling for a certain group of potential customers rather than traditional marketing. 

If you’re still not convinced, here are more reasons why hotels need PR.

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Turn Bad Reviews To Your Advantage

Even though more than 80% of internet hotel evaluations are favourable, certain hotels may also get bad reviews. Whether justified or not, one unfavourable online or print review can instantly lower occupancy rates and undo months of expensive advertising.

According to a TripAdvisor analysis, 87% of customers surveyed responded favourably when hotels addressed unfavourable feedback. According to the report, 60% of people would not book a hotel that did not respond to these reviews.

This demonstrates certainly the need to take unfavourable feedback seriously. They directly affect reservations and income. Not all negative press originates from online reviews. Outside factors like weather problems, neighbourhood crime, and health concerns may impact your hotel’s reputation. A crucial aspect of PR’s job is how soon and to whom you distribute your words to reduce negative reactions.

Guests Need To Be Heard

At some point, every hotel will likely be featured on social media, whether they want it or not. The chances to interact with Millennials are more than ever, as 97% share their luxury travel experiences online. In addition to the conventional PR channels, it is now feasible to speak with prospective visitors directly and control their expectations. When employed well, PR can be a potent force.

A hotel that makes the most of PR will be active on the main social media platforms. A follower should anticipate a response if they leave a comment. Hotels are known to maintain records of former and future customers’ emails. Through mailing lists, subscribers can be made aware of these attractions. You may persuade them to stay. When pertinent information about a visitor, such as when they were most recently a guest, is available, this can be particularly helpful.

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Attract The Right Customers

Bringing in clients is only one aspect of business success. It’s critical to draw in customers who will benefit most from your offerings and stick with you for a long time. For businesses to preserve their reputation for quality, especially as your brand expands, it is essential to control circumstances that could result in adverse outcomes like a negative press. 

The crisis management services ensure you have the proper procedures to deal with these circumstances. This includes conducting a risk assessment of your company, making plans for various contingencies, defining your crisis management team and their responsibilities, media relations, and developing policies.

Our PR For Hotels London

If you’re ready to reap the benefits PR offers, then look at what Pearl Lemon PR can do for you.

Consumer PR

Having customers is what you want to happen first for your business. To become a reality, you’ll need effective PR that reaches your audiences. We will develop strategies for your firm or business to interact with the public via consumer PR. By employing this tactic, you can maximize public recognition and exposure, making you the next big thing.

News Coverage

News coverage is arguably the most recognizable kind of PR for hotel owners and management. Local newspapers are the most familiar source for this, but other avenues include trade magazine interviews, local news channel coverage, and much more. We can reach out to local media on your behalf with our connections.

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Influencer Management

Concerned about maintaining relationships with hired influencers? We have your back. We’ll help with anything from negotiation to working with our influencer management service. It covers the creation of influencer content, approvals, PR campaign management, compensation, and the development of enduring relationships.

Crisis Management

A PR crisis can take many different shapes, from embarrassing executive scandals to an avalanche of unfavourable web reviews. With our PR crisis management, we will assess your circumstance and collaborate with you to develop a personalized action plan that addresses your unique needs.

Social Media PR

Social media is one thing that most people find difficult to avoid regularly. We now rely heavily on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok to engage, gather news, and share insights. Your company must follow this trend to remain successful. 

Be the viral sensation that everyone would speak about via social media PR.Do you need PR services that are not listed here? Contact us, and we’ll be happy to discuss your needs.

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It's Time to Polish That Image

As you can see, PR initiatives for hotels have several advantages. You can create a favourable impression of your property, keep it up, establish yourself as an industry thought leader, and much more. 

However, if you need help identifying the right public relations tactics that suit your hotel’s needs, you can count on us.

Our PR team can help you take over London with our tried and tested PR strategy.

So, what are you waiting for? Book a call, and let’s start polishing that image today.


Public relations are essential to a hotel’s year-round success and ability to increase business during slow periods. Through media coverage and a targeted message for your target audience, a strong PR plan may be the difference between you and the competition, propelling you ahead of the pack.

We at Pearl Lemon PR support your goals for your hotel. So that we can decide where to go next, we also want to know what you want us to do for you. After that, we can discuss how much it will cost. Schedule a conversation with us today, and let’s get started on that special PR!

PR and advertising both support brand development and audience communication. The primary distinction between the two is that public relations outcomes are obtained through distributing news, press releases, and pitches to the media while advertising space is paid.

We'd Love To Hear From You!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, Book A Call!

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