PR Agency in Norway: Scandinavian Expansion

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A well-told story is a powerful tool, and it affects people, the brand, and ultimately the sales. Successful stories manage to make a positive impact in the lives of your target audience and distinguish you from the rest.

From Rossøya on Svalbard to Pysen in Mandal, Pearl Lemon PR Agency will ensure that the right conversations happen around your name.

Communication's Solutions That Work

A company without a reputation is invisible, you won’t be given a chance if you are not known. 

Pearl Lemon can help position your company as a leader in your industry with strategic, creative, and data-driven PR strategies. Pearl Lemon is a full-service PR agency helping businesses in Norway and across Europe navigate the many issues and challenges in today’s world.

We help our clients get onto new directions, identify new opportunities, steer away from trouble spots and stay on the course for success.

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online work

Our diverse experts have international experience in traditional and digital PR fields, giving us a unique global mindset. 

The combination of our professional team in Norway and our international team in London, India, Jamaica, Israel shows that we are the perfect fit to help you thrive in the Norwegian market, position and profile you and use Norway as a springboard to position you beyond.

Our clients consist of various companies and organizations based in Norway and even internationally. We can help you with public affairs in Norway, including supporting local companies and startups.

Our PR Services In Norway

Pearl Lemon is an award-winning PR agency and can deliver on all the communication services you need, from strategic work that makes your PR efforts reach the right audience to operational services that bring these services to life.

Our expertise cuts across several communications disciplines, enabling us to plan, design, implement, and manage PR projects and quickly and effectively follow through with our clients’ solutions.

Our services include:

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Research, analysis, and PR strategy

Engagement and Reach

  • Media relations
  • Advocacy campaigns and strategies
  • Public affairs

Video and digital marketing

  • Videos and film
  • Website design and development
  • Digital advertising
  • Website hosting and management
  • SEO

Design and visuals

  • Brand strategy
  • Brand and visual design
  • Print design

Why Your Business Needs Public Relations in Norway

Norway is a very lucrative market for international organizations and companies; that’s why more and more international companies are looking for a packaged solution for handling their public relations in the Norwegian market.

Pearl Lemon is well suited to help with your advocacy and branding campaigns locally in Norway and internationally. The country plays a huge role in shaping sustainability thinking and driving impact on a global scale.

We understand that SDGs are the foundation of Norway’s policymaking, so we help companies maximize the potential of their work. The startup landscape in Norway is flourishing: let us help you tap into this opportunity.

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The 21st century PR Agency You Need

Traditional PR still has its place for sure. Press releases, news conferences, product announcements – they all still matter. But in the 21st century, a lot has changed and still is changing. The old way of doing PR is just that, old and frail.

The fact is that an advanced form of PR has been born, and it’s thriving, and growing brands and companies like never before—digital PR. Based on digital communication and sharing methods, any business, brand, or individual must be firmly engaged in it.

Pearl Lemon is a PR Agency that will help you compete and stand out in the Norwegian market and beyond. We measure up to your expectations. 

Here’s how:

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We Do Digital Marketing PR

People aren’t consuming their news from traditional sources like the TV or print so much anymore. Even the most ranking newspapers in Norway currently, like VG totalt or Aftenposten Morgen, embraced digital. 

Many people are increasingly looking to digital radio, podcasts, social networks, news websites, forums, and digital communities to keep them informed.  

We know statistics and numbers don’t lie. Digital PR can increase your brand coverage by 80%, now that is what we are here to help you achieve.

We Are On Top of our Tech game

We will make it a point to know and understand what devices and gadgets your target audience uses to consume content and create strategies suitable for them. 

Furthermore, we will use data analytics to determine when, why, and where your target audience goes seeking their news, entertainment, and information. 

We can help you stay ahead of the latest trends in Norway and Europe, ensuring that your brand is seen on emerging networks before your competition arrives. 

The digital landscape is constantly changing, but we strive to keep up to take advantage of the available marketing opportunities, be it locally in Norway or Europe as a whole.

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We understand that the world is awake 24/7

Effective PR has to be agile and flexible because the news cycle never stops, it’s a 24-hour machine, and as your PR reps, we can keep up. 

News breaks on Twitter right now before it ever hits the traditional media outlets. There’s no need to wait for a camera person because footage can be shot with a cellphone. We are willing to work 24/7 so that we keep up.

We Leverage The Power Of Audience Relationships

The Internet has given the public a voice—a loud one. Content and news stories, along with review sites, encourage reader comments. 

Sometimes, a comment becomes a news story in its own right. All media has the potential to become a conversation, and a good PR company has to understand how to monitor that conversation, how to market it positively, and participate in it effectively.

We Understand That Cancel Culture Is Real

Right now, one small mistake or content misinterpretation can go viral in minutes and damage your brand’s reputation just as fast. Some people call it the cancel culture – the idea that a person or company can be culturally blocked from having a positive public platform.

You can probably think of some notorious recent examples off the top of your head; Celebrities losing their shots at success because of tweets they might have a long time ago or because of statements they make before hitting the post button.

But these things don’t just happen. Cancel culture is invading everything and is affecting people and brands the world over. We will prevent sending mixed messages in the first place, and if they happen, we’ll know how to address the problem and control the issue as fast as possible.

We Demonstrate Results

Here at Pearl Lemon, transparency is one of our core values. We are good at what we do, and we are honest about what can’t be done. So we make sure that we share video case studies providing evidence of our results, and our clients share their experiences of working with us.

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Who Are The Pearl Lemon Public Relations Team?

Our team comprises seasoned public relations experts with a combined experience of several decades in both the traditional and digital PR fields. 

Our efforts are backed by seasoned journalists, proven content creators, and SEO experts.

Get in touch! We’ll be happy to introduce ourselves.

Whilst you're here why not get a free SEO audit! 🙂

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