If you are a dentist, it’s an unfortunate fact that, however patient, gentle and skilled you are at what you do, there will always be a certain percentage of your target market who will express fear and trepidation over seeing you – or any other dentist. It’s one of those things, like a fear of spiders or clowns, something that is often irrational, but people feel that way anyway.
As a dentist then, one of the biggest challenges you face is persuading and ensuring patients that you will make their treatment as painless and effective as possible. Dental reputation management can be key to achieving that.
According to a recent survey, 79 percent of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Managing your online reputation as a dentist calls for a thoughtful strategy and continuous monitoring to ensure prospective patients get a positive first impression of you and your practice when they read online reviews about you.
But your online reputation is about more than just reviews, and a truly effective dental reputation management plan takes this into account. Those searching for a dentist will often have done a lot of Internet research before choosing one, and that often includes Googling for expert advice.
If your website, via a blog, provides great advice, or you were recently seen talking about a dental issue on local TV, or have appeared on a related podcast, or have hosted an informational YouTube series on a hot button dental issue – toothache for example – your reputation, in the minds of both current and former patients will be enhanced even further. In viewing you as an expert in your field, they are far more likely to trust you.
This means that a complete dental reputation management strategy seeks to enhance your online presence as much as it does to protect it. Online reviews are very important, and certainly, if you work with Pearl Lemon PR we’ll ensure you get the most out of them, while also proactively and positively responding to them, even a negative one, in a way that enhances your brand and personal reputation. But we’ll also make sure you enhance your reputation with thought leadership and community visibility as well.
Negative feedback is often difficult to deal with. It may be stressful for a dentist to get an unfavorable review, and it might even feel like a personal attack. A dental practice’s reputation might be ruined by negative internet reviews. But, in the digital era, this is the reality of running a practice.
In fact, four out of every five people have changed their minds about a company after reading a negative review. Dealing with both positive and negative patient feedback is a critical task that every office and dentist must address. But there’s some good news: bad reviews have a positive side that might help your dental practice, if, with effective dental reputation management, you handle them the right way.
New patients are astute. Dentists and patients alike understand that unpleasant dental visits are, for some, unavoidable, and that some patients may respond badly to their treatment at times. The practice’s response to a bad review will determine whether the review is detrimental to the business or a fantastic marketing opportunity.
New patients are curious about how a clinic handles unfavorable situations. A measured, thoughtful response to a negative review assuages potential patients’ worries by assuring them that the stated issues are not reflective of the practice’s overall quality. Work with Pearl Lemon PR on your dental reputation management campaign, and we’ll show you how to do this every time. We’ll also help you gather more positive reviews from those who do leave you chair smiling.
As mentioned earlier, people Google dental issues a lot. If they are in pain in the middle of the night, or at the weekend, chances are that they’ll search around looking for helpful information. They also search out information about other, less pressing issues, like the best way to whiten their teeth, or how to get their kids to brush and floss more often. If you provide helpful, trustworthy answers to these questions, it’s far more likely that these searchers will end up choosing your practice over one that does not.
Dental thought leadership – that’s the ‘fancy’ PR term for all this – goes beyond blogs though. Videos, TV and radio appearances, podcasts and community informational events can all also be helpful and when working with Pearl Lemon PR on dental reputation management we’ll help you seek out and take advantage of these opportunities. We can even offer media training for those less comfortable in the public eye.
While we certainly hope it never happens to you, sometimes a negative press mention, negative social media comments, or a very harsh review call for immediate crisis communication to mitigate and minimize the damage caused to your professional reputation and your practice. In the right hands, this response can not only prevent permanent reputational damage, but also potentially end up enhancing your reputation as a dental professional people can happily entrust their oral health too.
When it comes to dental reputation management, Pearl Lemon PR’s experienced team goes the extra mile every time, for every client. But that’s not all, we can offer a full service PR plan that will help establish your dental practice as the place to go for expert dental care, even for those who (think) they don’t like dentists. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.
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