Back in the day, good design publicists had two primary goals for their clients: to get them into the best print magazines and to help them get their products into the right stores and showrooms. Those with a steady stream of top-tier clients were seen as gatekeepers and could use their power with editors and buyers.
But the fight to make the right people see sure clients’ work is getting more challenging than ever. The magazine industry is shrinking, digital media is growing, and many younger PR firms and designers are entering the market.
And design public relations has had to adapt to the times. 82% of PR experts think that technology will significantly change the industry. This means that, on top of the challenges of making a good PR plan, you’d also have to ensure that the plan works well both in writing and online.
That might be too much on top of what you already have to do as a designer.
Get in touch with Pearl Lemon PR, and we’ll take care of your PR campaign for you.
Public relations (PR) is all about managing the public’s perception of your organisation via various forms of communication. Traditional means like TV, newspapers, and magazines are all under PR.
Furthermore, it consists of all social media, which has revolutionised the role of PR for all firms and provided an edge to interior designers by allowing them to advertise their work to millions of people at no cost.
If you’re a successful designer, you probably already have a digital presence and have interacted with conventional media, most likely through local or highly-targeted venues. You have an eye for amusing, on-the-go social media images and share them regularly.
Even if you have a big Instagram presence, major publications are unlikely to discover your content accidentally. Creating brand awareness is necessary, but doing so is governed by specific guidelines.
You won’t know what to do or where to go unless you’ve played the mainstream media game before. To take advantage of particular possibilities, you must involve specific individuals who purposefully avoid being discovered.
You need to attend events, network as much as possible, and look for introductions to design magazine writers and editors to grow your business. A professional publicist already has such connections in place and can speed up the process of getting you in. After all, a day only has so many hours; going after possibilities like this may quickly become a full-time occupation.
Moreover, public relations experts are more than simply people who network extensively. They can help you take your company to the next level by determining your unique selling proposition in design, developing your brand’s central identity, and selecting the best channels to disseminate your newly minted public persona.
They craft a strategy for communicating with you, providing talking points and a unified tone. This can increase the scope of media coverage you receive, from local to national and even worldwide, by cultivating a positive reputation.
If you can get your name out there in the media on a national scale, you may be able to cash in with merchandise, endorsement deals, and even a spot on television. In addition, widespread coverage in the media might result in an influx of A-list customers.
Having an opinion is step one since many designers in the field resist being pigeonholed. They are confident in their ability to accommodate a wide range of preferences. If you want to be noticed, we have some news for you: you need to have an opinion.
It’s time to start turning away less-than-ideal customers. This might make your business suffer in the short term but looking at it from a long-term perspective, establishing your brand as someone who firmly took a stand on a specific matter is a plus point to customers who support the exact cause.
If you want more from your design business, you need quality photos on your website, even if you have no intention of pursuing publicity. It’s also one of the few things you can do to influence the media’s coverage of you.
Your photographs will remain of utmost importance, regardless of whether or not the magazine decides to reshoot the assignment. Most publications just don’t have the resources to reshoot projects anymore, so whatever you provide them is what will likely be published.
Insufficient imagery is one of the most common issues we notice with magazine layouts. Always have your photographers take between 25 and 30 shots of your work. Verify that using the photos in a publication won’t incur additional fees by speaking with the photographer in advance.
Also, discard the mixed lighting scheme, please. Although it may be tempting to put on all the pretty lighting, natural light is preferable whenever available.
The design industry is broad. Knowing which publications cover your field can significantly increase your chances of receiving favourable press coverage. This implies you should spend some time reading online and print media each week.
While it is the responsibility of a PR professional to offer opinions and make recommendations, it is appreciated when clients come with a thorough understanding of aesthetic possibilities.
The importance of social media cannot be overstated when it comes to promoting your services as an interior designer. Especially on Instagram, which is primarily visual, you may advertise your work, get new customers, and catch the eye of influential editors and critics. You should put as much work into Instagram as possible into a new project.
While certain architectural projects speak for themselves, the narrative of the homeowner is usually what garners the greatest interest from journalists. For whatever reason, the presence of a famous person’s name on the property increases interest. This strategy is also known as influencer marketing.
The addresses of famous people are always a hot topic. We would suggest performing a modest assignment for free or at a reduced rate in exchange for some experience if you are just starting out in the field. In other words, you’re giving away your service for free to promote your brand.
Having even one famous person on your side can increase the likelihood that a magazine will publish your work and lends instant credibility as you establish your reputation.
Even if you’ve made a name for yourself in the industry, hiring a publicist to handle media relations and pitching stories is a task you should let someone else do. There is high demand for your services. Use this time to create and manage your clientele.
It might take a lot of effort and an unbelievable amount of follow-up to pitch successfully to the media. Maintaining your reputation as a successful designer requires constant public relations efforts. If you’re not quite there yet, just book a call with us, and we’ll handle it for you.
If you’re now interested in employing public relations for your designs, then take a look at what Pearl Lemon PR has to offer:
The first thing you want to happen for your business is to have customers. For that to become a reality, you’ll need a good PR that reaches your target market. With consumer PR, we will find ways for your company or business to communicate with the public. This strategy can maximise mass exposure and publicity, making you the next talk of the town.
In today’s day and age, it’s crucial that people online know your brand. The internet lets everyone see everything, so why not capitalise on that? With Digital PR, you can create powerful web assets closely linked to your name. It will provide many ranking options to help fight against false or harmful information about you online.
If there’s one thing most people love, that’s social media. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok have become important places for us to interact, get information, and share insights. With this trend going on, your business must keep up. With social media PR, be the viral hit that everyone would talk about.
Sometimes, as a business, you need the help of your local media to gain exposure. It can be your town newspaper, radio station, or media channels. With our media relations strategies that always win, you’ll be able to coordinate with the people responsible for producing the news and features in your local mass media.
A public relations crisis can take several forms, from humiliating executive scandals to a flood of negative online reviews. With our PR crisis management, we will evaluate your situation and work with you to create a personalised plan of action that meets your specific needs.
Worried about managing your relationships with influencers you’ve hired? We got you covered. We’ll assist with negotiation down to collaboration with our influencer management service. It includes influencer content creation, approvals, campaign management, payments, and long-term relationship building.
Need more services that aren’t mentioned above? Talk to our experts today.
Designers need public relations to ensure that their designs aren’t just out there but are also seen in a good light by their prospective and current customers.
It is absolutely essential. However, not every designer can do it. This is why most designers hire a publicist or a PR analyst for their craft. They want to ensure that their name sparkle with the public and see that it sparkles right and is good enough to encourage more customers.
With Pearl Lemon PR, we’ll harness our years and experience to help you develop your designs’ most effective PR campaign.
Call us to learn more.
Whether you hire a PR specialist, promote from within, or take the helm yourself, you’ll want to be sure your PR leader has the following qualities:
Even though you can do alot independently, a professional publicist will undoubtedly increase your clientele and open doors to very lucrative offshoots like product lines, licencing deals, and media appearances. However, as a designer, you should remember that you are your greatest public relations asset.
Yes, a thousand times, yes. Public relations (PR) is the art and science of shaping the public opinion of an organisation or person. So, it’s a good idea to put money into it. Any time you’re working on a major project or event or dealing with an issue that might significantly influence your organisation, you need a plan for managing your brand’s image.
Public relations agencies deal with customers’ responses and reviews of your product. The positive perception of your brand will follow your clients everywhere they go and with whoever they speak with.
You can evaluate PR in a variety of ways. First, you may see the effects for yourself. As your company’s name recognition and stature rise, you will likely see the effects of your public relations efforts. Increased positive awareness of your brand is one measure of the success of your public relations efforts.
Plan success may also be defined as the absence of adverse business outcomes, such as decreased sales or unhappy customers, in the face of unexpected challenges. To provide you with the quantifiable information you want, we can analyse your target market with tools designed specifically for that purpose. We can also assist your company track the number of impressions and clicks its PR campaigns generate.
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Pearl Lemon PR
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